Blue Veldt Geological offers specialist services to prospectors and companies in the Western Australian Exploration and Mining Industry for a broad range of commodities and project types. The co-owner and principal, Steve Warriner has over 30 years of experience and a highly successful career working in Western Australia and Canada as a prospector, miner and geologist. He has been involved in a variety of senior roles in both mining and exploration, working on small prospects through to multi-million tonne operations. He brings a deep understanding of geology combined with a practical and innovative approach to finding and developing mineral deposits. Steve is experienced in all aspects of surface and underground mining including safety, mentoring, geotechnical mapping, geological modelling, grade control, environmental compliance, mine planning, advice/insights on extraction and metallurgy and resources-reserve calculation and reporting to JORC standards. He is a current member of the Australian Institute of Geoscience and is able to act as a Responsible Person for reporting purposes. BVG will provide a blend of science and practical experience to realise the best from your ground.
Snapshots of Recent Work
3D Regional mapping to produce a digital geological model tied in to historical drilling, Laverton WA
Designed and supervised a 70,000m multi-rig underground resource drill-out to meet JORC standards, Laverton WA
Structural and geological modelling and JORC resource estimation, Norseman WA
Discovered, drilled and JORC resourced a copper-zinc deposit, Pilbara WA
Historical data search, digital compilation and project evaluation / planning for a gold prospector, Marvel Loch WA
Peer review resource estimate, designed decline and vent/escape infrastructure for a small mine, Kookynie WA
Evaluated +1Moz gold system and developed a structural model to aid discovery of additional resources, Leonora WA
First indications of a new nickel discovery through re-evaluating and correcting the geological interpretation, Hyden WA
Led several research and development projects on new drilling technology and metallurgical product upgrade methods
Provided geological due-diligence for many project acquisitions from small mines to multi-billion dollar operations across WA
On fire watch whilst conducting exploration drilling, Leinster WA