Blue Veldt Geological is a geological consulting business based in Perth, Western Australia.

We value honesty, integrity and hard work. These principles underpin Blue Veldt and its success.

Successful track record
Research & Development
Research & Development
Project conception, documentation and management
3D Modelling
3D Modelling
Structural and geological modelling
Project Evaluations
Project Evaluations
From small scale to multi-million tonne operations
GIS Application
GIS Application
Authoring and collating multi-layer data sets
Design and supervision of deep directional drilling
Resource Extension
Resource Extension
Extensive mining and brown-fields experience
Surface Mapping
Surface Mapping
From regional to prospect scale
JORC Compliance
JORC Compliance
Managing exploration and mining project work to high standards
Underground Mining
Underground Mining
Advice and supervision of small scale hand-held operations to lerge caving operations

Blue Veldt GeologicalBVG is directed by Steve Warriner. He is a graduate of the Western Australian School of Mines and holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Mineral Exploration and Mining Geology, and is a current member of the Australian Institute of Geoscience. Having spent his career working in Western Australia and Canada, he has specialised in nickel, gold, PGE's, lithium, copper, zinc and lead.

Being involved in a range of commodities in both mining and exploration has given him a solid, practical grounding in Western Australian geology and a down-to-earth, common sense approach. He has held executive management positions in a number of companies where his experience and leadership has led to several new discoveries and successful new operations. Notable among these were the high-grade Ayshia Zinc Deposit (Pilbara), West Whundo DSO Copper Deposit (Pilbara), high grade extensions to the Goongewa Zinc Deposit (Kimberly), Cerberus Nickel Deposit (Laverton), Abi Rose Nickel Deposit (Great Southern) and the Golden Swan Deposit (Kurnalpie).

"These discoveries were hard won through good geology and team-work. As a senior member or leader of the exploration team, I have carried many of these discoveries right from the exploration phase through to drill-out, DFS/BFS and subsequent mining. These teams were diverse and dynamic, and not afraid to challenge the geological concepts or assumptions that had prevented new discoveries in the past. We came up with new paradigms that had a better fit with the available evidence which subsequently lead to many successes."

Steve also actively prospects and works for small prospecting and mining companies as a consultant and advisor, and more recently has held the Alternate and Resident Manager position for several sites.

"My mining career started with a practical grounding in open pits and narrow-vein, hand-held mining and has since progressed to incorporate major caving operations on the other extreme. From this I have gained a sound understanding and working knowledge of:

  • geological and technical research and development
  • rock mechanics and geotechnical assessment
  • regulatory requirements (mining, exploration, cultural and environmental)
  • mining techniques, design and grade control
  • data management and QAQC, resource modelling and estimation for JORC compliance and feasibility studies
  • metallurgy and various processing plants and techniques
  • geological evaluations from small prospects to multi-billion dollar mining projects

My other interests include cricket, photography, prospecting, camping and more recently assisting to run Rites of Passage workshops and camps for teenagers and their fathers.

"I value honesty, integrity and hard work. These principles have underpinned my life and career. They are an integral part of Blue Veldt and its success."

Blue Veldt Geological

 Blue Veldt Geological

Blue Veldt Geological

Blue Veldt Geological

Blue Veldt Geological

Blue Veldt Geological

Blue Veldt Geological

Blue Veldt Geological

Blue Veldt Geological